Side view of mature blond female witness or lawyer speaking in microphone while sitting against male judge

If you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to significant compensation. However, recovering the compensation you deserve can be difficult. In a personal injury claim, it’s important to understand that the burden of proof rests with the plaintiff or injured party. This means you must provide clear and convincing evidence to prove your claim against the defendant to attain compensation for your endured damages. To do this, you may need to enlist the help of expert witnesses as they can offer insights and analysis that the average person may not possess. Please continue reading to learn how their expertise can impact the outcome of your case and how a determined New York City Personal Injury Lawyer can help you determine what professionals you may need for your case. 

What is an Expert Witness?

An expert witness is an individual who is hired to testify during a personal injury case due to their specialized knowledge, training, or experience in a particular field that is relevant to your case. Expert witnesses are uniquely qualified to provide objective opinions that help a judge and jury understand the intricate details of your claim. Essentially, expert witnesses are qualified professionals with extensive experience in their respective fields. It’s important to note that not just anyone can be qualified to provide testimony as an expert witness. Generally, an individual must meet specific standards to provide insight on your behalf. These qualifications typically include:

  • Years of work experience in the subject matter
  • Professional credentials
  • Specialized knowledge, training, and certifications
  • Practice within the area of expertise
  • Published works
  • Reputation in the field of expertise
  • Peer-reviewed articles and papers

How Can Expert Witnesses Benefit My Personal Injury Case?

In a personal injury case, the type of expert witnesses that will be hired to assist you depends on the nature of your claim. For instance, expert witnesses can testify regarding appropriate treatment plans, prognosis for recovery, accident reconstruction, financial matters, and more. Expert witnesses play an instrumental role in establishing a direct link between the accident and your injuries, helping to establish liability and causation. Additionally, they can simplify complex medical or technical concepts. This will help the court understand the pertinent details of your case. Expert witnesses can evaluate the extent of your injuries and quantify an accurate assessment of your economic and non-economic losses suffered, ensuring the damages you receive truly reflect the impact your injuries have had on your life.

As you can see, expert witnesses can make or break a case. At James Newman, P.C., we are prepared to guide you through your legal options and find the best experts for your case. Connect with our firm today to learn how we can help you fight for the compensation you deserve.