
Following a car accident, many people focus on what happens to the driver. However, drivers aren’t the only ones who can suffer injuries when a collision occurs. Passengers can also suffer serious injuries that derail their life. At some point in your life, you’ve likely found yourself riding as a passenger in another person’s vehicle. When you ride as a passenger, you entrust the motorist with your safety. Regardless of whether your friend, family member, or a ride-share driver is behind the wheel, accidents can occur suddenly due to negligence. If you were seriously injured as a passenger in a car accident, you may be entitled to pursue compensation for your damages. Please continue reading to learn what rights passengers have after a car accident in New York and how a skilled Bronx Car Accident Lawyer can help you navigate your legal options. 

Can Injured Passengers Seek Compensation After a New York Car Accident?

If you’re injured in a car accident while riding as a passenger, you possess the legal right to file a claim to seek monetary compensation for your devastating losses. However, it’s crucial to understand that New York is a “no-fault” insurance state. This means that injured parties will typically be reimbursed by their insurer for damages regardless of who was responsible for the cause of the accident. To pursue legal action against an at-fault motorist, your injuries must amount to a specific dollar amount threshold, qualifying as a “serious injury” under the law. If your injuries meet the statutory threshold, you can pursue a third-party claim.

What Should I Do If I’m Injured in a Car Accident as a Passenger?

When an accident occurs when you’re not behind the wheel, understanding what steps you should take in the immediate aftermath of a collision is crucial to safeguard your rights. If the driver has not done so already and you’re physically capable, call 911 to seek immediate medical attention. Even if you think you’re okay, you should not delay or refuse medical treatment at the accident scene. While you can still file a claim if you refused treatment at the scene, the insurance company may argue that you contributed to the severity of your injuries by neglecting to have your injuries treated in a timely manner.

Furthermore, you’ll want to gather as much evidence as possible. This includes capturing photos and videos of the accident scene, as well as collecting contact information from any witnesses who may be able to corroborate your claim. However, the most crucial step after seeking medical treatment is enlisting the help of an experienced lawyer who can help you fight for the maximum compensation you’re entitled to for your damages.

At James Newman, P.C., we are prepared to help you hold responsible parties accountable for their negligence and fight for your rightful compensation. Allow our firm to represent your interests today.