When people purchase new products, they put a great deal of trust in the companies that sell them. This is the case whether they are buying a car, household items, medicine, toys, etc. In doing so, we generally assume the products are safe for us to use. However, sometimes products are defective when they are not manufactured properly. When this happens, ordinary items can cause serious injuries and even death to consumers. If you are facing this situation, it is important to retain the services of a trusted legal team. A seasoned Bronx product liability lawyer from James Newman, P.C. can provide you with the legal representation you need to defend your best interests and pursue rightful compensation. Contact our firm today to discover your legal options.
If you’ve been harmed due to a defective product, such as a defective drug, medical device, appliance, or cosmetic product, you are likely entitled to compensation. Our firm has decades of experience representing victims of dangerous product injuries, and we are here to represent you, too. Importantly, we have extensive experience handling cases pertaining to Similac baby formula injuries. If you believe you have a case regarding this product, you should speak with a New York City personal injury lawyer from our legal team right away.
Companies and their manufacturers are responsible for the products they create and sell. When they do not meet certain standards, a product can become defective and harm someone. Additionally, part of creating a sound product is providing a warning label. With this, consumers can avoid injuries by using the product correctly. When a person is injured due to a defective product, they often want to hold someone accountable for their suffering. Because of product liability law, manufacturers can be held liable for their negligence in creating a safe product for consumers.
To pursue compensation in a product liability case, you must establish this liability. This involves determining what caused the accident and who is responsible. To do so, the injured party must satisfy the burden of proof. This can be complicated, but an experienced attorney can evaluate the situation to establish liability. There are three main types of product liability cases seen in court:
If you were seriously injured because of a defective product, it is important to retain the services of an experienced attorney to represent your best interests. The attorneys at James Newman, P.C. have over 40 years of combined experience helping victims of negligence. Contact a product liability lawyer from our firm today to discuss your case.
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